Seasons Child Development Center will ensure that every child in their care will have a safe and welcoming place to learn, grow, play, and explore. Our services are designed to bring out the best in children and help them navigate the world around them.
When choosing us to provide your child with our early childhood education programming and childcare, you can take advantage of the amenities below:

It is our goal to provide each child with a feeling of belonging while providing individual interaction with caring adults. We believe that children learn on individual levels, and we plan around their individuality. Seasons boost on giving children a proper start in their early educational experience. With our early childhood services, your toddler or preschooler will receive developmentally appropriate experiences that will build their confidence and their love for learning. We will provide the children with nurturing and positive relationships and engage them with responsive conversions with other children. Our team of skillful educators will foster every child’s enjoyment and interest in reading, writing, math and social and emotional skills.
Seasons Child Development Center provides a print-rich environment to ensure tools and opportunities for children to use written and verbal languages for a variety of purposes. Our teaching strategies also enhance their phonemic awareness, through stories, poems, finger plays, games, and songs with phonetic patterns.
Your toddlers will enjoy their stay in our learning environment that is specially designed for them. Our toddler program will let your toddlers explore the world individually and together with teachers who are dedicated to supporting each milestone.
Early Literacy
we will let your toddlers explore different picture books, picture cards, and a vast variety of rhyming games, fingerplays and a print rich environment.
Language Development
we will help the toddlers tune into voices, listen, and respond, and make them interested in speaking and communicating with others.
Social/Emotional Development
we will model appropriate behaviors which will provide toddlers with a platform on how to treat their friends kindly while speaking up for themselves when necessary. We will teach that respecting other people’s values, feelings, and beliefs is an important characteristic to being a great human being.
Early Literacy
we will let your toddlers explore different picture books, picture cards, and a vast variety of rhyming games, fingerplays and a print rich environment.
Language Development
we will help the toddlers tune into voices, listen, and respond, and make them interested in speaking and communicating with others.
Social/Emotional Development
we will model appropriate behaviors which will provide toddlers with a platform on how to treat their friends kindly while speaking up for themselves when necessary. We will teach that respecting other people’s values, feelings, and beliefs is an important characteristic to being a great human being.
Through our free pre-school education program, your children will engage in hands on learning experience through open ended exploration. As they learn the fundamentals of pre-k, they are preparing themselves for kindergarten. This preparation is evolved through exploration of a variety of studies that will open their minds to a world of math, science, literacy, problem solving, writing, social and emotional development, and gross motor experiences. We will make learning engaging and exciting.
The energy of a preschooler child is invigorating. We will provide Hands-on lessons that will make them fully engaged and eager to learn new ideas. Our wide variety of learning materials will grasp their attention while building their concentration and self-help skills.
Our Before and Aftercare services are designed to support families whose children are not old enough to stay at home by themselves. We provide a safe, nurturing, and positive environment that teaches self-worth and fosters independence.
Our Before and Aftercare program piggybacks off the strategies and techniques the children are learning in school. We provide homework assistance and structured activities that will peak the children’s interest.
It is our belief that meeting the needs of the whole child is paramount. When you enroll them in our development center, we promise to provide them with trusting and supportive relationships that will increase their emotional, social, and intellectual development.
Our formal curriculum is called the Creative Curriculum, it is built on the premise that child learn through play. The curriculum is comprised of interesting studies to support children’s learning as it aligns with the PA Standards. Our classroom is divided into 10 interest areas to keep the children engage while connecting the studies and standards together. Our curriculum involves developmentally appropriate objectives and goals for a child’s language, cognitive, physical, and social/emotional development.
At Seasons Child Development Center, we promote healthy lifestyles through healthy choices. Our food is prepared by Nutritious Start and satellite into the center every other day. Meals are aligned with DPW standards and each nutritional component is offered several times daily.
We know that children model adults who offer them good food choice; our choices can influence a healthy lifestyle. During our family-style dining, your child and our staff have an opportunity to learn how to choose healthy foods, practice social skills and proper manners during mealtimes. The variety of choices touch on many ethnic groups and encouraged a diverse palate.
The outdoor curriculum at Seasons Child Development Center focuses on a multi-sensory environment. We will give them a perfect place to explore the natural world. We will let them challenge themselves daily, physically, and socially while enjoying a sense of freedom.
We know that children model adults who offer them good food choice; our choices can influence a healthy lifestyle. During our family-style dining, your child and our staff have an opportunity to learn how to choose healthy foods, practice social skills and proper manners during mealtimes. The variety of choices touch on many ethnic groups and encouraged a diverse palate.
Contact us today and learn more about our services!